Jessica Bowen, LMFT
Online Psychotherapy in Washington & Oregon
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What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the practice of psychotherapy where you are in a hypnotic altered state of consciousness, also known to as a trance state. Hypnotherapy relaxes the conscious mind (the thinking mind) by using guided relaxation, deep imagining, and focused attention. This allows you access the subconscious part of your brain where memory, learning, and intuition are stored.
What are the benefits to hypnotherapy?
Accessing the subconscious mind allows you better insight into the core reasons why your emotions are manifesting they way they are. The word "trigger" is a big buzz word. What that actually refers to is how your current day reactions uncover what is likely a deeper trauma. The subconscious mind is where we store everything that has ever happened in our lives. Hypnotherapy allows you to access the moments in your life that have impacted you deeply. When you are able to accurately recall the memories you can examine any conclusions you made at the time about yourself such as, “Everything was my fault” or “It's not safe to couldn’t be myself." Once you are aware of these early messages you received, you can better recognize how they have impacted your current beliefs and behaviors. With this awareness comes the ability to process the wounds from the past and let go of the story behind them.
What happens in a hypnotherapy session?
We will begin by discussing the main reason for your visit and your goals for the session. Next you will be lead into a state of deep physical and mental relaxation, also known as a “trance” state. In this state you will be guided to visualize a peaceful and familiar place, in order to help you feel safe and grounded. Once you are relaxed you will be regressed back to an original traumatic events. In the regressed state you have an opportunity to thoroughly express any unprocessed emotions. Sometimes this means crying into a pillow, or yelling, or punching a pillow. It will depend on which emotions come forward, and the best way to physically feel and express those emotions tends to happen very organically.
It’s important to remember that you are in control the entire time. It is not mind control or brainwashing and you cannot be made to do something embarrassing or that the person doesn't want to do. Even though you are in a deeply relaxed state you still have the ability to communicate and articulate your needs throughout the session.
What if I can't be hypnotized?
You absolutely can. Trance is actually a very natural state of which you go in and out of daily. Driving, watching television, and scrolling social media all induce a trance state. Which is where the controversy over "subliminal messages" were born. The fear was that advertisers were creating suggestive messaging while you were doing trance like activities. If you have underlying fear or anxiety about whether you can be hypnotized or what you will uncover if you are, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.
What does hypnotherapy treat?
From birth to seven-years old our brain is in theta (or hypnotic trance). Which means we absorb everything we learned during that time as fact. And while our conscious mind (our logical side) and our adult self may "know better," we are often still operating from our childhood programing. This shows up in a variety of ways, and can mean different things to different people. If you find yourself repeating patterns, sabotaging and limiting yourself, or unable to uncover deep seated anxieties, hypnotherapy may help. If you're not sure if hypnotherapy can help you, please reach out.
Does hypnotherapy work with grief?
Although grief is a normal reaction to losing someone you love, grief can also be chronic, complicated, prolonged and delayed. When these deep feelings of loss are pushed down out of conscious awareness, they are then somaticized in the body. Through hypnotherapy, we are able recall the relationship with your lost loved one in order to identify any unfinished business and then to release the stored emotions. This is particularly potent if your loss occurred in childhood, or if you have very few accessible memories of your lost loved one. This process allows you release painful emotions that are inevitably connected to death, grief, and loss. Thereby creates an opportunity for you to continue to integrate the loss into your life, making it possible to let go of the sorrow so you can once begin to feel joy.
Can I do hypnotherapy if I am already working with a talk therapist?
Absolutely. Hypnotherapy can get down to the root of many core issues. Whether you are working with me or another mental health profession, hypnotherapy is a great addition to other treatment modalities.
How do I get started?
Ready to get started? Let's schedule a free phone consultation to ensure hypnotherapy is right for you. Schedule online now to get started.